I have committed over 15 years to advancing the rights of patients, striving to eliminate barriers to medical care, and ensuring equal access to health services.I strongly believe in empowering patients and clinicians to make informed decisions that prioritize their autonomy.
Since receiving my diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in 2007, I have developed a profound dedication to advocating for those who endure the hardships of rare, excruciating diseases, complex chronic illnesses, and disabilities.It is my utmost priority to ensure that these individuals have access to all necessary and potentially effective treatment options based on their unique healthcare needs. I firmly believe that no one should face bias or discrimination when it comes to receiving the care they require.
Before developing CRPS, I have dedicated more than a decade of my professional life to serving in State and Federal Government positions. In this capacity, I diligently performed the crucial task of interpreting and clarifying laws, regulations, and guidelines to State and local government officials, as well as to members of the regulated community and the general public.
Just two days after the US Supreme Court released a 9-0 opinion favoring physicians exercising their clinical judgement when prescribing medication to patients under the Controlled Substance Act, the Justice Department announced the formation of a new strike force targeting medical professionals prescribing and dispensing controlled substances.
For patients with rare disease, complex chronic illnesses and disabilities navigating the health care system has become a fight for survival. Patients experience systemic disability discrimination and bias when attempting to obtain or retain access to treatments and medications vital to managing their health.
Due to interference with the practice of medicine patients are being forced to play a game of medical roulette.
Many people believe that Opioid Sparing is becoming the standard practice in medicine. They are sadly mistaken. Instead, the standard practice is now to discriminate against patients with disabilities with severe pain as a component. Many facilities have instituted No-Opioid Policies.
Too often I hear of instances of times when patients attend an appointment with a healthcare provider and attempt to discuss an issue with them and come out feeling worse…